Who participates?
A group of 15-25 members of your community group. Groups can be formal, like a cultural association, or informal, like a residential neighborhood. We will work with you to recruit participants from your community if needed. The group must be racially and ethnically diverse.
What is involved?
We facilitate five 2-hour Dialogues sessions with the group, generally one night per week for five weeks. The curriculum is carefully planed to build trust, relationships, and understanding at a pace that works.
- Session 1: Race and Ethnicity and Personal Identity
- Session 2: Racial and Ethnic Group Experience
- Session 3: Race and Ethnicity and Opportunity
- Session 4: Vision for Inclusion
- Session 5: Action Plan
What are the results?
Communities that hold a Dialogues on Race and Ethnicity series will see:
- More and higher quality relationships among community members, particularly across racial and ethnic lines
- The development of a shared civic vision for the community and progress towards realizing this vision
- A safer, more racially inclusive environment for all
“This was a good way for me to engage the topic without being defensive. Also, I was really glad to get to know people from other backgrounds in my neighborhood and hear their perspectives”
What is the cost?
Community or neighborhood groups may engage the Dialogues free of cost. Contact the Dialogues on Race and Ethnicity program manager to discuss your group’s circumstances.