Implicit Bias

In this workshop, participants will learn about implicit or unconscious bias, its different manifestations, and how it can play out in the workplace. Participants will be introduced to and practice applying YW Boston’s unique 5 R’s approach to disrupting implicit bias.


Workshop Overview

Introduction: Workshop Objectives
Facilitators will lay the foundation for the workshop, introduce dialogue practices, and have participants get to know one another.

Section I: Understanding Bias, the Unconscious Mind, and How We Form Perceptions
Facilitators will lead interactive group activities that encourage participants to explore how the brain processes information. Participants will learn how unconscious perceptions are formed and how to identify bias.

Section II: Personal Identity and Group Experience
Participants will explore both personal and social identities focusing on their relationships to power and privilege and how these impact the way we perceive information.

Section III: 5 R’s Framework for Interrupting Bias
Participants will explore and practice applying our unique 5 R’s approach to disrupting implicit bias.