2018 by the numbers and what’s next for YW Boston


Back in 2017, YW Boston underwent a strategic planning process to assess how to best address the most pressing needs in our community in a way that aligned with our mission. As a result, YW Boston spent the following months redefining our focus as a thought leader on issues at the intersection of race and gender. 2018 was a year of changes. Beth Chandler was named as President & CEO of YW Boston. Additionally, we continued to work towards our vision of helping organizations create more inclusive environments where women, people of color, and in particular women of color can succeed at all levels. Through our advocacy work, events, and three programs–Dialogues on Race and Ethnicity, LeadBoston, and InIt–we were able to impact thousands across Boston and beyond.

As our youth programming shifts into a young girls leadership program and we start looking to the road ahead, we’d like to glance back at YW Boston’s impact during the year 2018.

2018 in review: YW Boston by the numbers

Engaged over 120,000 people online
Engaged over 120,000 people online

Reached over 120,000 individuals through the YW Boston website, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram accounts.

Received $100,000 Cummings Foundation grant
Received $100,000 Cummings Foundation grant

YW Boston was one of 100 local nonprofits to receive grants of $100,000 each through Cummings Foundation’s “$100K for 100” program. YW Boston was chosen from a total of 597 applicants during a competitive review process.

Over 1,000 event attendees
Over 1,000 event attendees

Connected with over 1,000 people in Boston during YW Boston events such as Women on the Rise, Academy of Women Achievers, and Elevating Lives.

Took a Stand Against Racism with over 160 organizations
Took a Stand Against Racism with over 160 organizations

Engaged over 160 organizations in building awareness and sparking action during our annual Stand Against Racism campaign.

554 Workshop attendees
554 Workshop attendees

Supported 554 people within organizations interested in advancing their diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts through our Dialogues Workshops.

Over 280 Dialogues program participants
Over 280 Dialogues program participants

Helped over 280 people within organizations in Boston create cultural shifts and implement action plans to support more inclusive and equitable environments through our Dialogues on Race and Ethnicity program.

Developed 39 leaders committed to social equity in Boston
Developed 39 leaders committed to social equity in Boston

39 cross-sector leaders graduated from LeadBoston, our executive leadership program aimed at developing socially responsible leaders who can advance social equity within their workplaces and communities. 

Supported a class of 49 InIt students
Supported a class of 49 InIt students

49 students from the Greater Boston Area graduated from our Youth Leadership Initiative.

492 individual donors
492 individual donors

492 people supported YW Boston’s mission of eliminating racism and empowering women through individual donations.

Reached over 2,400 individuals
Reached over 2,400 individuals

In 2018, YW Boston partnered with 227 organizations and reached over 2,400 people in Boston and beyond through our programming focused on individual and institutional change.

We’d like to take this moment to say thank you. None of these accomplishments would have been made possible without your continued support. If you wish to stay engaged with YW Boston and keep up to date with our work in 2019 and beyond, follow us on social media @ywboston or sign up for our monthly newsletter to be the first to hear about news and events.

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