Beth Chandler Interview Featured on BNN News

beth interview

“One of the most powerful parts of the [Dialogues on Race and Ethnicity] program is that it gets that group of people and the organization to identify an issue they want to work on together for change. Because we’re not about sitting around talking about it. We are an organization that is about taking action to make a difference.” – Beth Chandler 

YW Boston President and CEO Beth Chandler’s interview with Boston Neighborhood Network‘s Chris Lovett aired on September 5, 2018 on Channel 9. The interview was prompted by Beth’s recent appointment as CEO of the organization, and YW Boston’s strategic planning process. In their eight minute discussion, Chris asked Beth about YW Boston’s programs to address systemic inequalities of race and gender, her background with these issues, and what Ayanna Pressley’s victory signals about women of color in leadership. As Beth answered, YW Boston helps “organizations become more inclusive environments for women, people of color, and particularly women of color,” and the primary results “say that that’s what Bostonians want.”

Watch the full interview below and on Chris Lovett’s Youtube channel.